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Frequently Asked Questions - School Reopening
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Frequently Asked Questions
School Reopening Plan 2020/21

Last updated:
August 18th 2020

  1. Can my FS1/FS2/Year 1 child bring a lunch box to school?

Yes, it is allowed for children in these year groups to bring a lunchbox to school. We do ask, where possible, that lunches are in easy to access containers that children can open on their own. This limits the requirement for adults to contact food containers.

  1. If we choose distance learning, what are the restrictions on returning to in-school learning?
    We do allow children to revert to in-school learning even if you have chosen distance learning as your initial preference. We do ask for 7 days notice of your intended change.
  2. What does the school’s distance learning model look like?
    If you opt to pursue distance learning, the model will remain broadly similar to the distance learning period in Term 3 2019/20. Children will access work through Seesaw, and this will be delivered through activities and teacher tutorial videos. Due to the class teacher being in school, attending to in-class needs, they will not be available for live Zoom sessions throughout the course of the day.

However, your child will be allocated a link tutor, from the school’s inclusion team, who will check in at least once daily, to offer support and to monitor children’s learning.

During the distance learning period, we were evaluated by the DSIB on our distance learning provision and were rated “Developed” in every area. We are confident that if you choose distance learning for your child, their attainment and progress will not be compromised.

  1. Can my child access a blended model, 50% in school 50% distance learning?
    We are not able to offer a 50% blended model. Parents must choose distance learning or 100% in school provision.
  2. Why is a Chromebook recommended for Year 2 children?
    An increasing element of the school curriculum will be accessed through blended or digital methods. Whilst we do have a large number of devices in school, there is not one device for each child. Whilst not having access to a device will not detriment your child’s learning, for reasons of hygiene, as well as the ability to access a device as and when needed, we have made this recommendation.  Furthermore, if your child is unable to attend school, as they are showing mild symptoms, having access to the same device that they would ordinarily use in school, would be hugely beneficial.

    Once again, we stress that Chromebooks are generally extremely low cost from new, and second hand/refurb devices can be picked up for a few hundred dirhams. We feel that this is an extremely worthwhile investment.

  3. Why does my child need to bring headphones in?
    Headphones are used consistently throughout school to support learners access digital materials such as tutorial videos or digital feedback. Due to increased hygiene standards,  it is no longer possible for us to provide shared headphones.

    Even if your child is not in a 1:1 Chromebook environment, they will still be accessing digital content on a daily basis, through shared devices.
  4. Will there be a second bus time to cater for children who are in school later (Y1 upwards)
    We have reevaluated our collection timings, and are now able to offer a second bus, to cater for children in Years 1-6. This bus will depart at 2.30pm.
  5. Will children and staff require a Covid-19 PCR test upon return to school?
    At present, we have no plans to require a PCR test from children or staff. There is no mandated requirement for these measures from the KHDA/MOHAP, although this is of course subject to change. Whilst we recognise that parents may be concerned about children returning to school, we are confident that the measures taken with regards to thermal screening, social distancing, masks (Y2 upwards), and our rigorous sanitisation protocols, will protect all members of the community.

  1. Will school day timings be altered so as to ease the collection arrangement for working parents or parents with siblings in the school?

We have made changes to our timings so as to offer support for parents with siblings. We will permit children with siblings to attend class from 8am, as well as extending the school day for ALL Year 1 children.

Due to our excellent distance learning provision, children have full access to our curriculum from home, should they require it. With this in mind, if parents do still continue to collect a child earlier (for example if they wish to collect at the FS1 collection time) then the school fully supports this.

Full details of our updated drop off and collection timings can be found at

  1. What is meant by a ‘DHA approved’ mask?
    It is important that children wear masks that offer protection against airborne transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Surgical masks (typically three ply, blue and white), three ply cotton masks (with/without filter insert) and approved polyester/spandex style masks. Whilst N95 masks do offer enhanced protection, we do not recommend these for young children.

  1. What are the school stationary requirements?

For FS1 - Year 1, stationary will be provided by the school for children in each group bubble. Stationery will be sanitised between uses.

For Years 2-6 children are advised to keep stationary to a minimum for ease of carrying their pencil cases in each day.

Suggestions would be initially -

2 x HB pencils

Small packet of colouring pencils and felt tips.

I x ruler

1 x eraser

1 x pencil sharpener

Pencil cases can be restocked as required as they will return home each evening. Teachers will advise you should or when any additional items are required.

  1. We have opted for online learning yet now wish to return to school. What should we do?

If you registered for online learning and now wish to return to school, you will need to notify your class teacher via email and our KHDA Liaison Officer Layaly on

You will need to give us 1 weeks notice of your intention to return.

  1. We have decided we want to switch to online learning. What should we do?

If you have been in school, yet now wish to revert to online learning, please let your teacher and Layaly know.

Please keep changes to a minimum as it involves a lot of time for registrations.